Monday, May 13, 2013

Dinosaurs and humans

How can we benefit from a chickenosaurus?

Chickenosaurs will help scientists to find truth in their hypotheses. We could finally answer some big questions.
1) What is the closest thing to dinosaur DNA we can find?
2) Are birds truly related to dinosaurs?
3) What about the dinosaur's DNA may have caused them to go into decline prior to the extraterrestrial event?
4) How long does it take to use genetic engineering to reverse the evolution of an animal?

A tool to teach
This retro-engineered dinosaur could teach children about the process of evolution in an eye-catching and interesting way. Everyone benefits from being engaged in science and learning.  

Benefits to humans in general
This process would allow scientists to study genetics in GREAT DEPTH. It would take years and years for scientists to create a chicken dinosaur. They would learn all about how proteins and genes interact with am embryo. More importantly, we can learn about genetic defects. Learning about these genetic defects or mutations in chicken embryos, can help scientists to understand how genetic defects in humans work. Also, we could learn how to prevent some of these genetic defects.

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